Privacy policy

In relation to the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), we will inform you below about the use of your personal information, as well as other issues that are of interest to you.

As used in this Privacy Policy, ‘personal information’ or ‘personal data’ means information that relates to an identified individual or to an identifiable individual. For example, this could include among other things your name, address, email address, business contact details, or information gathered through your interactions with us via our websites or at events. Personal information is also referred to as ‘information about you.’

We recommend that you carefully review our Privacy Policy to ensure that you understand how your personal data is used to browse the Website.

Who is responsible for the processing of your data?

The “data controller” is the legal entity responsible for the processing of personal data. This controller will decide how and for what purpose personal data are processed. Regarding this Privacy Policy, the personal data controller is Grupo Ges.

  • Address: Calle Martí Costa, 2, 1º,2º,07013, Palma de Mallorca, Islas Baleares, España
  • Telephon number: +34 971 22 00 81
  • Vat number: B07756380
  • E-mail address:


What is the purpose and the legitimacy of collecting and processing your data?

Grupo Ges collects and processes personal data that you voluntarily provide us by using our website and applications, in particular:

  • When information or estimates of our products and services are requested from us,
  • when subscribing to our newsletter,
  • when sending us your CV with the aim of taking part in recruitment processes,
  • user creation on our applications.

Information about you that Grupo Ges may collect and process includes:

  1. a) Identifying data: name, surname, identification document (tax identification number or code, foreigner identification number, passport number or residence permit).
  2. b) Contact information: postal address, email address, landline telephone number, mobile telephone number.
  3. c) Financial information: payments and collections of products purchased by you.
  4. d) Electronic data: IP address, type and identification of device, type and language of browser, domain through which the website is accessed, browsing information, website activity.

We may use personal information for the following purposes:

  • To communicate and respond to your requests and inquiries,
  • to deliver functionality on our sites (website and applications) and for their technical and functional management,
  • to inform you as to the availability of the contracted services in the service due to a network upgrade, etc.
  • to administer subscriptions our Grupo Ges newsletter,
  • to market our products and services or related products and services, and to tailor our marketing and sales activities to your or your interests,
  • to engage in transactions with customers, suppliers, and business partners and to process orders for Grupo Ges services,
  • to analyse, develop, improve, and optimise the use, function and performance of our sites and services,
  • to manage the security of our sites, networks, and systems,
  • to comply with applicable laws and regulations and to operate our business.

Further detailed regarding the purpose of data processing:

To communicate and respond to your requests and inquiries to Grupo Ges

If you get in touch with us (such as by submitting contact forms on our sites, attending Grupo Ges events or other occasions, sending an email or by visiting social media platforms), we process information about you to communicate with you and to respond to your requests or other inquiries. We can also process personal information to interact with you on third party social networks.

To deliver functionality on our sites and for their technical and functional management

When you choose to register with us (such as to make use of our various applications), we need to process the personal information provided by you so that we can create and manage a personal account for you. Upon creating your account, we will send you your personal login information. This personal information enables us to administer your account, for example by changing your password for you.

To administer subscriptions of Grupo Ges newsletter

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we process information about you to administer your subscription to our newsletter.

To market our services or related services and to tailor marketing and sales activities

Grupo Ges may use your information so as to notify you about new product releases and service developments, events, alerts, updates, prices, terms, special offers and associated campaigns and promotions (including via newsletters). We do our best to tailor your website visit, marketing experience and our communications to your expressed interests. If you attend an event, Grupo Ges may process information about you gathered in relation to the event. Please note that our partners or conference sponsors may directly request information about you at their conference booths or presentations, and their use of your information that you provide to them will be subject to their privacy policies. We may also process your personal information to post testimonials on our sites, but will first obtain your consent to use your name and testimonial.

To engage in transactions with customers, suppliers and business partners and to process purchases of our products and services

If you place an order for our products and services, or if you provide services to Grupo Ges, our employees, customers or partners as a supplier or business partner, Grupo Ges processes information about you to engage in and administer the relevant transactions (such as by sending invoices and making payments), administer your order, and help you get started and adopt our products and services.

To analyse, develop, improve and optimise the use, function and performance of our sites and products and services

We may process personal information to analyse, develop, improve, and optimise the use, function and performance of our sites and products and services, as well as marketing and sales campaigns. In case the sites permit you to participate in interactive discussions, create a profile, post comments, opportunities, or other content, or communicate directly with another user or otherwise engage in networking activities, Grupo Ges may process personal information when moderating these activities.

to manage the security of our sites, networks, and systems,

We may collect site use data for security and operations management to help keep our sites, networks, and systems secure, or to investigate and prevent potential fraud, including ad fraud and cyber-attacks and to detect bots.

To comply with applicable laws and regulations and to operate our business

In some cases, we have to process personal information to comply with applicable laws and regulations. For example, to respond to a request from a regulator or to defend a legal claim. We may also process personal information in the performance and operation of our business, such as to conduct internal audits and investigations or for finance and accounting and archiving and insurance purposes.

How long will we keep your data?

Due Grupo Ges shall keep your personal data for the time necessary to fulfil the purposes for which they were gathered, provided that you do not exercise your right to delete your data.

If the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were gathered, they shall be deleted on a general basis unless, temporarily, it is necessary to continue to process them to comply with a legal provision. Furthermore, your personal data shall be eliminated if you withdraw consent, except when one of the exceptions provided by law is applicable.

To determine an appropriate period of preserving your data, we apply the following criteria:

  • The data necessary to provide you with the information you request, including estimates of products and services, shall be preserved during the time it is necessary to attend to and process said requests, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and the limitation period of actions provided in the legislation.
  • The data necessary to send you the newsletter and promotional communication shall be processed so long as you do not withdraw your consent or inform us of your wish to not continue to receive it, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and limitation period of actions provided in the legislation.
  • The registration data in our private area shall be kept over the course of the service contract, so long as you do not unregister access to the private area, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and limitation period of actions provided in the legislation.
  • The registration data related to the acquisition of Grupo Ges products shall be kept over the course of the service contract, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and limitation period of actions provided in the legislation.
  • The data sent aimed at participating in staff selection processes shall be kept on a general basis for 3 years, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions and limitation period of actions provided in the legislation.
  • When cookies are placed on your device, the data shall be kept in accordance with the applicable legal requirements and the recommendations made by the competent authorities.

To whom do we share your data?

We only use, transfer or share personal data with third parties in the terms laid out in the Privacy Policy. Grupo Ges does not sell or rent your personal data to third parties and only sends them to persons or companies if we obtain your prior consent or pursuant to or in accordance with applicable legislation when said consent is not necessary for a specific transfer.

We will share or give third parties access to your personal data when necessary, to achieve one of the objectives described below and in accordance with current legislation:

  1. a) Our suppliers: Grupo Ges shall send or allow access to your personal data to companies that provide services under contract, when it is necessary to achieve one of the purposes described in the previous section: web platform services, management of orders and shipping, payment processing, email distribution, web positioning, marketing and promotional campaign services. If one of these service providers needs to access your personal data, they will use it only to provide us with a service and according to our instructions. We also require them to keep the data confidential and secure and to return or destroy the data when they no longer need it.
  2. b) Legal obligations: Grupo Ges may send your personal data when the transfer is authorised by law or necessary to comply with a legal obligation, including sending your data to competent authorities, judges and courts. This includes complying with requests made by authorities in accordance with Law 10/2010 of 28 April on the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism.
  3. c) International transfer of data: Your personal data shall not be sent outside of the European Economic Area (hereinafter EEA). If it were necessary to send your personal data to countries where the level of protection may not be the same as in Spain in order to comply with the purposes described in the present Privacy Policy, Grupo Ges shall duly inform you and shall comply with the applicable legal provisions, requesting your consent or offering you adequate assurances.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

You should be aware that, by processing your personal data, you have certain rights which are detailed below:

  • You may request access to all your personal data that we process (right of access).
  • You have the right to rectify your data, either because it is inaccurate or because it has changed (right of rectification).
  • You may also request erasure of your data when our relationship with you has ended. In a number of circumstances, erasure may not be complete because of legislation requiring us to keep it for a period of five years (right of erasure).
  • You have the right to request that we do not process your personal data (right to object).
  • You may also request that we restrict the processing of your data in the following cases (right to restriction of processing):

    • During the review of a challenge to the inaccuracy of your data.
    • If the processing is unlawful, you object to the erasure of the data.
    • Where we do not need to process your data, but you need them for the exercise or defence of any claims.
    • If you have objected to the processing on the grounds of public interest or legitimate interest, while we are considering whether our reasons for processing outweigh your interests.

  • Finally, you have the right to have your personal data delivered to you in electronic form, in a form that is manageable for you (right to portability).

Data security

At Grupo Ges takes the appropriate organisational and technical measures in accordance with current regulation to protect your personal data against any misuse, destruction, loss, accidental or illicit modification, disclosure, or unauthorised access, including the measures necessary to deal with any suspected data breaches.

The website has a log-in system, with a username and password, through which only authorised users can access the private data. Grupo Ges shall not use this information at any moment for any use other than: maintenance of the mentioned private area, operation of business relationship with you, providing you with relevant offers and promotions regarding existing products or services, as well as, newsletter subscriptions and job applications.

You agree to keep and use the username with due diligence. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable and transfer to third parties is not allowed, not even temporarily. To that effect, you must take the necessary measures to safeguard your password, preventing its use by third parties. Accordingly, you are solely responsible for the use of your password, to the entire indemnity of Grupo Ges.

If you are aware of or suspect use by third parties of your password or that personal data is being misused or there is unauthorised access to personal data, we request that you notify us as soon as possible through any of the channels indicated in section 4. “Our Contact” of the Privacy Policy, or send an email to:

Policy update

This policy will be reviewed and updated regularly. We therefore recommend that you check our website from time to time to see any changes that may affect you. In any case, we will contact you if the policy undergoes significant changes, via the email address you have provided to us.

This is the latest updated version of the Privacy Policy.